So...I'm giving the fiddle leaf fig tree another try.
Last summer we bought one for our bedroom but it didn't last very long at all.
Maybe a few months?
It was probably all our fault.
Between being driven home from the nursery in a jeep convertible (driver of the car shall remain nameless), then being placed underneath an AC vent (I'll own up to that one), and probably under-water and over-watered, our sensitive tree wasn't given the respect it deserved!
Take 2.
I'm giving it another crack at it, this time in a nice sunny corner of our living room not underneath an AC vent.
I just love the way they look and think this tree brings life to this corner of the room.
I vow to be more respectful this time.
She (plants are she, aren't they?) was carefully driven home in a car with a roof and gently placed in our living room.
I've designated a day of the week (Wednesdays) to watering her so that she won't get too dry and will give her the same amount of water each time (one coffee carafe).
Maybe I'll even give her a little pep talk each week, haha!
Isn't there research that shows that plants respond positively to human conversation?
Either way, my fingers are crossed and my ears are open if you have advice on keeping these trees alive and kicking.
- Caitlin