
Monday, September 7, 2015

Bedding blues

Happy Labor Day to you!
Tonight I'm sharing the start of my makeover for the guest house.
I ditched the gray and white that used to be on the bed and decided to go with my current favorite color palette: blue and white.

My sister actually first bought this duvet (I think it just sold out!) for one of her guest rooms so I decided to be a copy-cat and get it too because I liked it so much!
She didn't mind.

When I saw these Serena & Lily throw pillows on major sale, I thought they went pretty well with the duvet and decided to get them.
They're technically outdoor pillows but I can't tell a difference in the fabric and they work just fine on the bed.

The bed itself which I bought a couple years ago here is a family favorite (my mom and sister-in-law also have it). I planned on spray-painting it white when I was dreaming up this makeover but now that the bedding is on, I kind of like the dark contrast against all of the white. But I'm not 100% sure I should leave it. Happy to hear your opinions, as always!

My next plan of attack for this room is the nightstands. 
I'm working on an Ikea hack that hopefully I can share with you soon.

- Caitlin


  1. Keep the black/ oil rubbed bronze! It's so gorgeous and timeless. I think that it would be a tad too much white, as much as I love the color and the contrast is really cute and vintage.

    1. Thanks for your input, I agree! The oil rubbed bronze picks up on the fireplace in there too.

  2. hi Caitlin so there is the guest cottage bedroom and also guest bedroom within home look similar if so both I do love just trying to figure out if its the same room what I do notice is the recent photo missing gray and white strip rug that's what im trying to figure out I love your style your an inspiration

    1. Hi thank you! So what was the guest room in our house (where this bed used to be) is currently our son's nursery. When we put his room together, we just moved the bed and the striped rug outside to the guest house. That was around a year and a half ago. Now, I'm working on changing up the look in the guest house by getting rid of the striped rug and gray and white throw pillows and duvet. There's still lots to do and will share my progress along the way! Thanks for following along :)

  3. I agree with Sarah....keep the bed as is!! It's so beautiful farmhouse classic....I love it! (Oh, and have the same one in my house...) ha!

    1. Thank you! Wasn't looking to taking the bed apart and spray painting it anyway

  4. Absolutely love the contrast! I wouldn't change a thing! Very beautiful and inviting as is!

    1. Ah loving all this input and reassurance that the bed should stay as is, thank you! You guys convinced me :)


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.