
Friday, May 16, 2014

1 year blogiversary!

Holy. Cow. 
I can't believe it has already been a year since I started this blog.
It's cool that it allows us to look back at all the things we have accomplished in our new home and to have it all documented! It's also scary how quickly time flies by.
Where's the pause button?
In celebration of this 1 year blogiversary, I've compiled the top ten Picket Fence Project posts from this year (based on most pageviews and/or Pinterest re-pins) and have them compiled below (in no particular order) in case you missed them the first time (or liked them so much you couldn't wait to view them again--just kidding)!

(from top, left to right)

1. guest bedroom makeover 2. my friend melissa's gallery wall 3. my closet & jewelry organization
4. DIY coasters 5. DIY fabric shade 6. DIY farmhouse table 7. my brother's and best friend's wedding 8. DIY nursery bookshelves 9. spray-painted shower door 10. nursery progress

So am I up for year #2 of this blog?
I think so!
I told myself that I would keep it up as long as it was enjoyable. As soon as it got in the way or became too much of a burden, I'd stop.
I'm happy to say that hasn't yet happened so I will continue to post, share, and hopefully inspire.
It will be interesting to see if I will be able to keep up my routine of posting every other day once this baby arrives, but I will try my best!

P.S. The Picket Fence Projects now has a Facebook page you can find here.
If you "like" it, it'll keep you up-to-date on new posts and other news!

As always, thanks so much for visiting and have a great weekend :)
- Caitlin


  1. Congrats on your first year, Caitlin! You definitely inspire me! So glad you'll continue to share!!!

  2. So exciting, Cait! I can't believe it's been a year! Congats :)

  3. Only a year! You've already got it down! So glad to be following along.

    x Lily

  4. VERY PROUD OF YOU! this blog is the best. xoxoxo.

  5. Congrats on 1 year!!! Can't believe I made the top 10 :)


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.