
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Thinking outside of the box (or muffin tin)

I like to switch out the decor on our kitchen table every once and awhile.
It's a tiny table so whatever I put on there, I keep on the smaller more simpler side.
So recently during one of my re-accessorizing moods, I took an old vintage muffin tin (purchased from a garage sale) and decided to re-purpose it to hold flowers on the kitchen table.

Trader Joes has these cute mini flowers so I picked up six of them and they fit perfectly within each tin.

I have a little bit of a black thumb so I'm anticipating that these flowers might not last too long.
If that happens, I can replace them with succulents which are a little easier to keep alive!

To see other things that I've re-purposed, you can visit here, here, here, and here!

- Caitlin


  1. That's actually a popover tin! It's super specific, so I don't know why anyone would want to buy it instead of a regular muffin tin, but I've seen a few recipes with it :)

    1. Ha! Go figure I would mis-identify something that has to do with cooking/baking. The kitchen is not my place!


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