
Sunday, June 29, 2014

One month young!

Month to month baby pictures are really popular right now and I have jumped on the bandwagon:

Okay, so Charlie wasn't so thrilled with the process but I'm sure he'll warm up to it.

Putting together this photo was pretty easy.
First, I made this banner out of left-over scrapbook paper from this project I did.

I cut out rectangles, punched holes using a hole puncher, and strung the paper together with white ribbon. Then, I just taped the banner to the wall behind this little chair in Charlie's nursery.

Positioning him on the chair required an extra set of hands.
Since he is still learning neck control, my mom was nearby to help steady him long enough for me to snap the picture. It wasn't easy and most of the shots he was slumped over so pickings were slim.

After I took the picture, I used PicMonkey, a free photo-editing website I have posted about before here, to add the number and letters to the banner.

There are lots of different ways to do these photos and below are some cute ideas that I've seen:

Layer Cakelet

Young House Love
Mom Tog

Under The Sycamore

Click It Up A Notch

Lastly, below is an adorable month to month collage my wedding photographer did of her son using just her iPhone!
I love how she used those rainbow alphabet magnets.

Looking forward to what's to come in month 2 with Charlie!
- Caitlin


  1. What a little cutie! Can't wait to watch him grow!

    x Lily

  2. So cute! He is so big!


  3. He's such a cutie pie! I love your idea for the banner.


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.