
Monday, December 21, 2015

Charlie's Christmas tree

I've been meaning to share a look at our son's Christmas tree in his nursery for a while now and finally got around to snapping a few pictures.

Ok, clearly I had a bigger part in decorating it than he did.
I'm working on letting go of some of my type A tendencies and swore to myself that next year I would give him full reign to decorate it himself (even if it looks like a hot mess)!

I picked up most of the mini-ornaments at Michael's and made the alphabet letter ornaments (see here) and the paper garland. The fair isle metal basket that the tree sits in is also from Michael's and I found the lights on the tree while shopping at Home Goods. They're those battery-operated mini LED ones.

Thanks for stopping by!
- Caitlin


  1. so fresh and lovely. the baby boy touching the tree reminds me of my daughter was doing the same... Letspackteddy


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