
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Guest house progress: blues above the bed

I've slowly been putting together a new look for our guest house and have shared the progress along the way here, here, and here.

Most recently, I tackled above the bed.
I decided on these blue seaweed prints from this Etsy shop after seeing them above a friend's bed.
I have them in these simple white frames I picked up at Home Goods.

I'm considering spray painting the frames oil rubbed bronze to pick up on the bed and the hardware on the dressers but laziness might win on that one so they'll probably stay white. 
The two under two in our house have me tired!

Have a good night!
- Caitlin


  1. Hi, this is Tinarosa from colorZen (Etsy), the artist of your seaweed prints. May I share your blog on my facebook and put your photos of the seaweed on my photo album Many thanks :)


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.