
Monday, October 27, 2014

Fabric finds

I was recently on to look at holiday card ideas for Charlie when I noticed that they now sell fabric designed by their independent artists.

There are so many fun options and my mind immediately went to thinking about all of the throw pillows I could make (as if I really need another throw pillow). Many of the patterns are also really whimsical and would be so cute in a baby's nursery (not that I need to design another nursery any day soon)!

Below are 10 of my top picks from the website, although truthfully I loved them all!

diamonds in the rough

painted feathers

under the sea

painted diamonds


nautical flags

modern math

beach blanket stripe

animal mix

branch toss

Buying fabric online can be difficult but makes it a little bit easier by showing what the fabric looks like up close, at a yard, and from across the room. It really helps to show the scale of the pattern. Here's the branch toss fabric shown above in the yard and from across the room:

Happy fabric shopping!
- Caitlin

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

SMP Living and Rosie's 15 minutes of fame

Back in August, I was excited/nervous to have Style Me Pretty Living come to my house to photograph it for a home tour! We haven't been living here that long (less than 2 years) so it felt/feels like there's still so much to do/change/re-decorate but I was reassured that the house looks great as is. We are our own toughest critics after-all, right?

This week, the home tour went live on SMP Living and I enjoyed looking at the pictures that Bruce Plotkin captured of our home.

I had to laugh at the pictures of Rosie. Who knew this dog loves the camera so much? While I was trying to run and hide from it, Rosie seemed to be posing in almost every room hoping to get photographed. 

To see the complete home tour, you can visit here.

- Caitlin

Monday, October 20, 2014

Pillow problems

I am 100% guilty of owning too many throw pillows and have to blame my mother on this one (sorry mom). She is always switching out throw pillows and I have seemed to have adopted this practice as well.
With each new season, I seem to accumulate a few more resulting in a closet full of pillow covers.

Recently I purchased two of these from H&M (they have a home line that I've posted about before here):


I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. 
They're have a nice gray piping along the edge, a hidden zipper closure, and the price is super affordable.
Plus they are nice and wintery looking.

The only problem is where to put them in the house.
I like them so much, I can't decide which room to put them in.

The kitchen nook?

The family room?

The living room?

They also come in this version (and they're currently sitting in my shopping cart).
Dare I buy more?


Have a great day!
- Caitlin

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Fall-ing behind

I'm admittedly behind on my seasonal decor update due to a week away in September and well...just everyday life! But I did manage to sprinkle a little fall festiveness around the house this week even though it was feeling more like summer with temperatures in the 70's.

Here's the extent of my outdoor fall decor:

A wreath on our basement door...

A mum in some stacked copper pumpkins...

...and that's about it!
Oh, and our porch and kitchen door still have the same thing going on.
Both looks are fall-ish enough for me.

Indoors, I've managed to do a little here and there:

Some acorns on the kitchen built-ins and white pumpkins on the kitchen table...

 This wooden cornucopia (old from Pottery Barn) filled with more pumpkins, acorns, gourds, etc. in the dining room...

One faux white pumpkin in the foyer...

And lastly, a new look for the living room mantel...

...which I'm not so sure about.
Is it too busy? Too predictable?
It's practically the complete opposite of my last "less is more" mantel look.

It's one of those things where I can't tell if I like it or hate it.
So, I'm going to leave it like this for now and see how I feel about it in a day or two.

Oh, and some new pillows and a throw on the couch were loooong overdue. 
I picked up these ones (currently on sale) from West Elm:

I'd like to do a little bit more around here for the fall and will share once it's done.
In the meantime, our new couch we bought back in August for our family room is coming tomorrow and
I. Can. Not. Wait!

Have a great night :)
- Caitlin

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Life's a beach

Toady I'm reminiscing about our warm beach vacation in Montauk.

The house we stayed in was really cute and full of great style. Unfortunately, I did not capture all of it with my camera but did manage to snap a few pics, especially of the entryway, which was full of beachy charm.

The upstairs had this balcony and view of the lake.
A great place to have coffee in the morning...and a cocktail in the evening.

A few more random pictures from around the house...
Again, there was a lot more to show but I was on major vacation mode and lazily never got around to snapping more pics!

Thanks for visiting :)
- Caitlin