
Monday, October 20, 2014

Pillow problems

I am 100% guilty of owning too many throw pillows and have to blame my mother on this one (sorry mom). She is always switching out throw pillows and I have seemed to have adopted this practice as well.
With each new season, I seem to accumulate a few more resulting in a closet full of pillow covers.

Recently I purchased two of these from H&M (they have a home line that I've posted about before here):


I was pleasantly surprised by the quality. 
They're have a nice gray piping along the edge, a hidden zipper closure, and the price is super affordable.
Plus they are nice and wintery looking.

The only problem is where to put them in the house.
I like them so much, I can't decide which room to put them in.

The kitchen nook?

The family room?

The living room?

They also come in this version (and they're currently sitting in my shopping cart).
Dare I buy more?


Have a great day!
- Caitlin


  1. I'm guilty of too many throw pillows also. Those are cute. I keep hearing about H&M's pillows, I'll have to go check them out.

  2. They look great everywhere! I see your predicament! Now I want them too!

  3. They fit in perfectly and I really love the floral pillows - may I ask if you could share the floral fabric design? Thanks

    1. Thank you! I love the floral pillows too but I actually don't know the name or make of the fabric. We purchased the fabric several years ago at a random fabric store. Sorry!


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.