
Monday, June 23, 2014

In with the old

This past weekend we went back to Jackson, my brother's and sister-in-law's house that I have posted about here and here.

I love going there for the obvious reasons (waterfront views, beach, spending time with family, etc.) but I also love going so that I can see the latest progress they have made on their house.

Even though it is brand spanking new, they have done an amazing job adding a lot of character by incorporating old vintage finds.

This last visit, for example, I was wowed by this old porthole window purchased from Sailor Trading Co. that they installed in the master bathroom shower. 

Who wouldn't want a shower with a view like this?

Here's what the window looks like from the outside of the house:

Another place in the house where they tied in the old with the new is in their downstairs bathroom with this copper sink my mom actually found at a garage sale.

It's unique and like the porthole window, the sink adds a lot character to the bathroom.

Thanks Meryl and Sean for another great weekend!
- Caitlin


  1. Great pictures, sean will def love this one. xoxo.

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. That is GORGEOUS! Good job to your brother and sister in law! I'll have to beg my sister to ask for a tour of my house (since she knows Meryl from work) Haha.


    1. Whoops, now that I'm looking at this, I didn't mean to say "my house"! I meant that house! My house looks like tornado went through it. I'm pretty sure that no tours will be given until 2020! ;)


  3. OMG this is my dream house. Mer I'm so jealous!!!

  4. Amazing vision and style your entire family (including SIL) has!

  5. Love both of these bathroom finds! the window is too much!!

    x Lily

  6. The home of your brother and his wife looks amazing. Their bathroom window is a creative touch. It's a very fitting look for a home on the beach. I can't believe they installed it themselves. I would've thought it came with the house when they got it. They're very creative people, aren't they? Thanks for sharing that with us, Caitlin! All the best to you! :)

    Oliver Matthews @ Flower & Fendler


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