
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Perfectly petite powder room & New Year's resolution fail

You might remember my February resolution that I posted about of re-doing our downstairs bathroom
Well February came and went and sadly, we haven't even touched the bathroom yet.
At least I stuck to January's resolution and if Saturday's weather cooperates, we will be able to stick to March's as well.

So instead of sharing our bathroom that we have yet to work on, I thought I'd share this powder room in my parents' house that was recently repainted and accessorized.

It is a tiny bathroom, which made it challenging to photograph (picture 7-month-pregnant me shoving my belly between the sink and the wall in an effort to capture a decent picture). Nonetheless, the white wainscoting, neutral paint color, and simple accessories make me envious and want a bathroom like this of my own!

How clever is this toilet paper holder?

How have you been with sticking to your New Year's resolutions?
- Caitlin


  1. Love it? Do you or your mom know the paint color?

    1. Hi! It's by Behr and called "creamy mushroom".

  2. That stained glass is gorgeous! Is it antique, or do you know where they got it? Love it.

    xo Lily

  3. That toilet paper holder is so creative!


  4. Hi -- I have the same FLW stained glass (from a wonderful visit to Taliesin). Can't figure out how you hung yours; mine is in a stand. Any tips? Thanks.

    1. If you look really close, their's has two small holes in the top left and right corners where they hung it by small nails. You could try taking to a framing shop, they might have special hardware to hang yours without adding any holes.

  5. Such a lovely little space! I see where you get your great taste from!!!


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.