
Friday, November 29, 2013

Turkey Day time-out

I'm taking a break from the computer today to spend time with those that I'm thankful for
(and to recover from this food coma I'm in)!
Wishing you and your family the same :)
P.S. How simple and easy is this "give thanks" craft below?
I would prop it up on a dinner buffet or hang it in the foyer.
See you back on Sunday!

- Caitlin

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thank you berry much, holly bush

The weather here in the Northeast has been so cold, it might as well be December 25th. 
It's really put me in the mood to decorate for holidays.
I haven't made Chris go out and get us some Christmas trees yet (yes I said some hehe) but I did start adding some simple festive touches around the house. 

We have this holly bush in the front that is full of bright red berries. 
So, I snipped a bunch of sprigs and added them to all different places around the house.
The best part? It didn't cost anything.

I added some in our kitchen...

the hallway windowsills...

It's beginning to look a lot like...well, you know ;)

- Caitlin

Monday, November 25, 2013

Ikat sew...but my mom can!

This weekend we showed this green ottoman that doubles as a coffee table in our family room a little TLC.

The green fabric was okay but I was ready for a change.

Rather than spend the money to have a professional reupholster it (the holidays can be an expensive time of year and there are other places we'd like to "splurge"), I decided to enlist the help of my mom, who offered to sew a slipcover.

Instead of buying fabric for this project, I decided to just use what I already had.
These West Elm curtains we had in our last place were just sitting in a box anyway so I figured "why not"?

My mom worked her sewing magic and constructed a slipcover for the ottoman using the curtains.
I tried to pay attention so that I would absorb some of her sewing knowledge but failed.

Nonetheless, the slipcover is complete and I am really liking our ottoman's new look:

I think it is a good temporary fix until we want to get it professionally done.

Thank you mom!

I'm that person that has jumped the gun and started decorating for Christmas in November.
I couldn't help myself.

One more look at the before & afters:




Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. Congrats Jayme E. :)
You're the winner of the up-cycled sweater wine bag giveaway!

- Caitlin

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Counter clutter?

I've been playing around with different accessories on our master bathroom vanity counter between the two sinks.
I don't want to clutter up the area but do want something there.
So, right now I"m trying out this two-tier stand that has previously been used to display desserts:

Here's a close-up of the lower tier:

I found this glass box at an estate sale a couple of years ago for just a few bucks.

I've used it to hold jewelry but now it's functioning as a Q-tip holder. Why not?

On top, I have this glass jar that I got for a $1 from a garage sale. I'll probably fill it with cotton balls but for now I actually have baking soda in there because from time to time I do this exfoliating treatment.

We'll see if I keep this on the counter but it's fun to play around with different ideas!

By the way--just one more day left to enter the up-cycled sweater wine bag giveaway!
Enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

- Caitlin

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Better after

This week I was very excited to see that my blog was featured on Better After, a great website that showcases before and afters. Thank you Lindsey for the feature and the compliments!

Her site is pretty genius..who doesn't love a good before and after?
And how cool to have them all compiled in one place! 
I could spend hours scrolling through her posts.

Speaking of before and afters, if you are new to my blog, I've compiled a few more for you to check out:


























I hope to finish some more projects soon and share the before and afters with you!

One more thing...if you haven't entered my giveaway for an up-cycled sweater wine bag, there are 3 days left!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for visiting :)
- Caitlin