
Friday, November 13, 2015

Lamps from Lowe's

Wow, it's been difficult to get a post together lately!
An 18 month nap regression and some rainy weather (resulting in bad lighting for photos) has slowed me down. That and being now 36 weeks pregnant with number 2. 
But the clouds have parted, our boy seems to be snoozing again (fingers crossed), and I've seemed to have caught a burst of energy that's allowed me to finally snap a few photos of a change in our master bedroom that might seem small to you but I'm loving. 
Sometimes it's the tiniest change that brings you the biggest satisfaction though, right?

Anyway, I really liked the lamps we had on our nightstands.
They're from Home Goods and are just cool and different:

However, these kinds of shades cast light downwards and do not illuminate an entire room that well at night. So, it felt very cavernous in our normally light and airy bedroom during the evening hours.
Since we don't have recessed lighting in here (had that priced out and ehhh...that project can wait), I decided a less expensive solution would be to try out some new lamps.

So during a recent trip to Lowe's for something unrelated, I walked by their lighting department and was immediately drawn to these Allen + Roth lamp bases. I scooped up a pair for just $29 each and using lampshades I already had at home, I switched out the silver lamps for these new ones (please ignore the black ugly wire, I plan on painting it white):

I like how substantial they are although I might need to get some smaller accessories for the nightstand now.

I also like how the lamp base picks up the color in the basket, the floors, and the armoire in the bedroom.

And of course, the whole reason for the lamp change, I like how these brightly illuminate our room at night. Goodbye cave.

Also, the silver lamps haven't gone to waste.
They've found a new home in our office.

Have a great weekend!
- Caitlin

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