
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A little winter foyer fun

Holy cold!
The weather could not be more opposite of the sunny warm temperatures we were enjoying just a couple of weeks ago at my sister's wedding in Florida.

Anyway, I'm trying to embrace the arctic chill by adding some winter decor around the house.
This past weekend I focused on the foyer.

I'll probably change things around 10 more times (because that's what I do) until I'm satisfied with how it looks but here's where I left off:

The mini Christmas trees are fake (just $3 a piece from Target) as I'm waiting for Trader Joe's to put out their real ones.

The vintage snow shoes were a garage sale find I picked up last winter:

I used these boots last winter in the foyer (read about it here) and pulled them out again this year:

This picture below reminds me that I still want to makeover the inside of our front door (new paint and hardware). Maybe something like Jackson's front door?

Stay warm!
- Caitlin


  1. So pretty! We have the EXACT same winter decorating style. Most styles are way too tacky and hodge-podgy for me. If only I had the willpower to get up in the early hours to go to yard sales like you do, all though a month ago we got a 1 year old beautiful stainless steel refridgerator for $250! Holla! Now we have to find a way to get it through our door. It's just sitting in the garage. :(

    1. I admittedly have been missing out on the garage sales this past summer/fall but definitely want to start back up in the spring! $250 for that fridge sounds like a steal :)


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