
Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Fashion Fix: I'm dreaming of warmer weather

Raise your hand if you are sick of winter. I'll put both hands up. 
While you'll never hear me complain about getting a snow day or two, I am longing for warmer temperatures.
So, today I'm tricking myself into thinking it's almost summer with this outfit:

The clutch, which I recently scooped up at TJ Maxx, makes an otherwise boring outfit pop.

The price is a no brainer. So cheap.

I've never heard of this brand before so after I bought it, I looked it up online and found the clutch as well as similar styles here, here, and here (although for a little more than I paid).

The TJ Maxx where I found it had a few different colors, all very cute.
 So if you like it too, check out your local TJ Maxx or Marshalls and hopefully they'll have one for you!

Have a great weekend!
- Caitlin


  1. Cute outfit - you will need to post yourself in this when the weather gets warmer. I think all us NE gals are dreaming of those days right now!

  2. Donna Dixon is Dan Akroyd's wife!


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