
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Duvet dilemma

I've posted a bunch about the (slow) progress we have made in our bedroom:

It seems like we've done a lot but there is a lot more left to do:
find a rug, paint the un-planked walls, add some drapes to soften up the windows, maybe build a larger armoire or dresser, and decide on some new bedding...

...which brings me to my duvet dilemma. 
Dramatic, I know.
I've been so indecisive that I've ordered not one, not two, not three, but four different duvet options.

It all began when I saw this blog post and immediately loved the look of the room.
So, when I saw this Pottery Barn bedding (currently on sale), it reminded me of Mary Ann's room.
I bought it but then had immediate buyer's remorse fearing that it might be too feminine for my other half's liking.

Pottery Barn
Which led me to purchase this bedding (also on sale).
I was drawn to the simplicity of it and envisioned jazzing it up with some patterned pillows.

Pottery Barn

But THEN, I stumbled upon this navy ticking stripe bedding, which reminded of the classic look I originally thought I was going for in the room. 

Pottery Barn
Well, all three Pottery Barn options have arrived and I still don't have a final decision.
I have decided however that the plain one is too stark white. I know one dog nap on it, and I'll have to throw it in the wash. 

The ticking stripe, which I was sure to be the one I would love, just didn't do it for me once on the bed. Just to confirm my feelings, I sent a picture to my mom and she agreed.

Surprisingly, the paisley was my favorite. Mixed with some navy pillows and a throw blanket, it didn't look as "girly" as I thought. 

Of course I had to go on Pinterest and come across this Ballard Designs striped bedding.
Back to being confused. 
So I've ordered this one too, making it duvet #4.

Ballard Designs
Hopefully I will have a decision once this one arrives.
Thank God for returns!
Which one do you like the best?

- Caitlin


  1. I am in the middle of this same dilemma and have been obsessed with ticking for sometime. I love to see how the navy bedding looked because that's what I was leaning towards too. I have a post coming up soon on this and I can't wait to see what you decide because I'm sure it will help me too. My poor husband has been dealing with overly feminine bedding for sometime and I'm really trying to find a middle ground -- so hard!

  2. Surprisingly I like #2. I think that if you go with that one you aren't limited in other part of the room (carpet, other patterns) to make it clash. It also has a timeless feel and I think that you won't get tired of it as fast as the others.

    Good luck!

  3. I really love your original choice with the paisleys! Beautiful and I think it would go best in the room, just from seeing the corner you've shared. Whatever you choose will be lovely!

  4. Paisley or a white. U just had stripes!

  5. Oooh, love the paisley! Especially with navy accents - I seem to love everything navy lately :) I love the white too, but I have a Pottery Barn white duvet and it never dog is always on it!

  6. love the ballards!


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.