
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

DIY door decor

Two things I love: 
1. nap time 
2. DIY projects

Getting a DIY project during nap time? 
Well that's pretty much the best ever. 

So was the case the other day. Charlie was taking a snooze and I found myself looking at this last DIY project I had hanging on our kitchen door and felt ready for a change. 

So, I dug around above our garage (a very scary place-- think Hoarders: Buried Alive) and found this burlap bag (can't remember where it came from) and this glittery "S" (I bought mine last year at Michaels but you can find a similar one here). As for the holly, I just snipped some branches from a bush in our yard and the herringbone ribbon was leftover from some decorating I posted about here.

The project was super easy to do.
I started by stuffing the burlap bag with some paper towel to make it a little fuller.

Then, I added the holly...

tied the whole thing up with the ribbon...

and added the "S".

Here's the final product hung up on our kitchen door:

I think it's a nice change and I just might skip the traditional pine wreath all together and just keep this thing up.

Thanks for dropping by!
- Caitlin


I appreciate all of your comments! If you have a question, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.