
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rowin' and growin'

I apologize in advance for the onslaught of nursery posts but that is primarily what our world is consisting of right now! The latest project for baby's room was turning an oar that I had into a growth chart.

I started by taking a yardstick and marking the inches with a pencil.

Then, I used this white Sharpie paint pen to mark the lines.

Next, I used the same pen but in blue to mark each foot.

Lastly, I added some hardware so that I could hang the oar on the back of the door.

Here it is hung up:

I know it will be a while before I start marking his height but I think it adds a cute DIY touch to the room.

Here are some other growth chart ideas I've seen:

A Harvest of Blessing

Cozy. Cottage. Cute.

Have a great day :)
- Caitlin


  1. Cute! I ended up marking the inches the doctor gave us when born on our growth chart and measured him again at his 1st birthday. Even if they can't stand for the measurement it's fun to see how they've grown!

  2. Oh my god I love this, what a great idea! and great turnout!

    x Lily


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