
Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday fashion fix: suit yourself!

If you know me, it's no surprise that I don't like paying too much for anything! 
I am a huge sale and bargain shopper and that couldn't be more true when it comes to buying bathing suits. I can't rationalize spending lots of money on something I wear only a few months out of the year.

So, I usually turn to stores like Forever 21 when it comes to buying them because
a) the price is right and b) believe it or not the quality usually holds up just fine.

On our recent "babymoon", I took this bikini with me.
It fits great, held up through sand and sun, and has washed well.
You can't beat the price either!

(Click on the caption below each picture to be directed to the website.)

Top $12.80

Bottom $10.80

Here are a couple others from the store that I think are cute and affordable:

Top $14.80

Bottom $10.80

Top $14.80
Bottom $12.80

Buying bathing suits makes summer seem that much closer, no?

Have a great weekend!
- Caitlin

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