
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Like they say, "an organized closet is a happy closet". They do say that, don't they?

This little closet by our kitchen door has been a hot mess since we moved in.
Since it's the entrance we use the most to get into the house, we both tend to throw our shoes, bags, Rosie's leash, etc. in this closet and shut the door quickly before everything topples out.

But this past week we put an end to all that (and thank goodness because the obsessive compulsive side of me could not take another moment of disorganization).
After seeing that Chris could build a very nice farmhouse dining room table, building some shelves in this closet was a piece of cake. 

All is took was some pine, adjustable shelves, shortening the existing coat rod, and Chris's mathematical skills.

We lined the bottom of the closet with peel and stick tile (the same stuff we used under our kitchen sink).

Now there is a place for everything: purses, shoes, reusable grocery bags, coats, dog leashes, etc.

One more look at the before and after:

Thanks for stopping by!
- Caitlin

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