
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joy to the world! Another DIY holiday project!

Christmas is slowly taking over the house and I love it!
Almost every room in the house has some holiday spirit.
In our family room, I've hung this banner that I bought last year from this Etsy shop.

This year I decided to try my hand at making my own.

It was easy. 
First, I just cut out a few triangles using red burlap that I found last month at a garage sale.

Then I ironed a fold at the top where the string would be glued in.

I was going to make one that said "all is bright" but I wasn't up for cutting out that many triangles and stenciling that many letters. Instead, I chose probably the shortest holiday word I could think of: joy!

Here it is hung up outside the kitchen door on an old sled I picked up last spring at a garage sale for about ten bucks.

Joy to the world! It's the weekend!!
- Caitlin

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