
Monday, August 19, 2013

One votive holder three ways

We have about 20 of these glass votive holders from Ikea
Chris actually bought and filled them with candles lit up all around our first apartment the night he proposed.
So sweet!

Anyway, last week I decided to re-purpose a few of them.
I bought these small succulents from Home Depot and they fit perfectly in the votive holders. 

Since they are clear glass, I had to do something to them so that you wouldn't see the soil.
So, here's how I did the same votive holder three different ways:

1. Roped
Here I just used a glue gun and some rope. 
The banner on the front came in a gift tag package from Michael's.

2. Dipped
I spray painted this one white then dipped the rim in gold metallic paint.
To make sure there weren't any drip marks after I dipped it, I put it upside down on top of a wine bottle and allowed it to dry that way.

3. Wrapped
I wrapped the third votive holder in fabric I had using homemade mod podge (equal parts water and Elmer's glue). It was messy to do and didn't come out perfectly but that's okay. 
I wasn't going for perfection.

I had to restrain myself from doing more than three! 
Sometimes I can over do it.

Is there anything you've re-purposed lately?
- Caitlin


  1. I'm obsessed with the roped votive in particular -- so cute!! But, I like how you did a variety for some contrast. And putting succulents in there in the first place is such a cute idea -- super mini plants.

    1. Thanks! (The roped one was my favorite too. (I think) these plants are easier to maintain than the others I buy and accidentally kill.


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