
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A few Friday finds...

So this isn't so much a "house project" per se but when I come across a good deal or find (no matter how big or small), I like to pass it on to others. 
On a recent trip to Michaels, I ended up in the $2 aisle (has this always been there??) 
and found these items below:

I've been using this pill box (just $2) as a ring holder on my nightstand. 

These canvas bags have now become my new makeup bags (one for brushes, the other for makeup).

The inside has a plastic liner in it so if it gets dirty from makeup or whatever you decide to use it for,
you can wipe it down.
Or you can just throw it out because...
it costs just two bucks!

They also had these canvas tags which come with jump rings in the same aisle for $2. 

There are probably a million things you could use them for. 
I tried it on a basket in our linen closet and thought about writing "hand towels:" on it. 

Some other ways you could use them...
1. wedding table numbers
2. gift baskets
3. sangria sign to hang on a drink dispenser
...just to name a few.

Happy Friday!
- Caitlin

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